Solar for sales and installation companies

Solpod is fast to install so you have less time on site. Your team doesn’t carry each module, so you have better quality control and OH&S. Your customers can rent or buy, and you can relocate the solar if they need to redevelop their site. 

Solar retailer

  • Solpod is the solution for businesses with a 3-5 year decision horizon, ie most businesses.
  • You no longer need to walk away from businesses renting their property.

Solar installer

  • SOLPOD is quick and easy to install.
  • Small teams can deliver big results.
  • 250 kWp per day from team of 3.


Solar PV installers love Solpod because of the speed of installation and no need to carry heavy panels.

Ready to start?

Email us at or call us on +61 3 9089 0753 to get started with Solpod.