Tag Archives: Renewable Energy Transition

Australian Commercial and Industrial Rooftop Solar Market Remains ‘Untapped’

Australian Commercial and Industrial Rooftop Solar Market Remains ‘Untapped’ The commercial and industrial rooftop solar can make a substantial contribution to Australia reaching its emissions reduction target.  C&I rooftop solar has yet to see the growth as seen in Australia’s successful domestic rooftop solar market, which means many sunny rooftops are primed to have solar […]

Urgent Call for Climate Action in IPCC’s Latest Report

Urgent Call for Climate Action in IPCC’s Latest Report The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) recently released a synthesis report that demands urgent action to keep climate change to within 1.5C.  The IPCC reports that greenhouse emissions have continued to rise over the last five years.  Renewable energy including solar PV is available now […]

3 Reasons Why Right Now is the Time for Your Business to Benefit From Solar

If not us, who? And if not now, when?  These famous words by former U.S. President John F. Kennedy still rings true today, particularly when it comes to the potential for businesses to benefit from solar energy and do their part in saving the planet from global warming. Despite the many advantages that solar energy […]

New Programs to Solar Power Australian Schools

New Programs to Solar Power Australian Schools Programs across the country that support the use of renewable energy in schools are well up and running, with new rooftop solar projects underway this year.  The trend reveals community and governmental support towards reducing carbon emissions, and the cost effectiveness of solar at a time of increasing […]

20 Gigawatts of Solar PV Installed on Australia’s Rooftops

20 Gigawatts of Solar PV Installed on Australia’s Rooftops Australia has installed 20GW of solar across the country’s rooftops, totalling 3.4 million small solar PV systems.  This impressive milestone was reached in February 2023, according to analysis released by SunWiz. Elouise Fowler from the Financial Review reports: “Installed rooftop capacity cruised past 3.4 million homes […]

Re-deployable Solar Ideal for New Infrastructure Construction

NSW Announces Decarbonisation in Infrastructure Project Design The design of new infrastructure projects in NSW will account for carbon, in a state led effort to reduce carbon emissions.  New business cases for infrastructure projects have the opportunity to incorporate renewable energy use into planning, including the incorporation of solar PV. “Reducing carbon emissions from infrastructure […]

Australian Property Groups Achieving Net Zero or Net Positive

Australian Property Groups Show Leadership in Emissions Reduction Achievement  Property group owners in Australia have stepped up on climate change action; with setting, achieving or exceeding their sustainability and carbon emissions reduction goals.  Solpod has proudly supported several property groups with their solar PV rollout using our innovative, award winning solar solutions. Solpod was developed […]

US Coal Generation Falls

New Renewables are Cheaper than 99% of US Coal Plants  The renewables transition continues to accelerate around the world.  In the US, dirty coal generation is on the decline.  It is now more economical to source energy from newly built renewable energy farms than from existing US coal plants. The Coal Cost Crossover 3.0 report from […]

Solar PV Energy Growth in Europe

Solar PV Energy Growth in Europe At Solpod, we celebrate the steps taken in the global effort towards the green energy transition.  The European Union now boasts a new record, the combined total of wind and solar generated more energy that gas for the first time. The Energy Think Tank Ember recently released its European […]

Australia Powered by Greater Share of Clean, Renewable Energy in 2022

Renewable Energy Generation Increases Across Australia Renewable energy generation statistics provided by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) for the last three months of 2022 are encouraging, showing records being broken and a continuing trend of increasing grid share. The AEMO has posted the Quarterly Energy Dynamic Q4 2022 report, revealing an increased renewable energy […]