Solar installers benefit from best practice Occupational Health & Safety features of Solpod commercial solar products. Solpod’s experienced engineering team have developed ground breaking Australian Made solar products, offering the solar industry Australian innovation.
Solar Roof Mounting Solution
Solpod recently launched a solar roof mounting solution suitable for many commercial and industrial rooftops (see Solpod Mini), being marketed and distributed through the global German company Schletter. The roof mounting solution is being marketed by Schletter as SECT (Schletter Eco Commercial Tilt.
Using just three brackets, Solpod Mini supports a variety of orientation of options. Solpod Mini can be mounted flush to the roof, single orientation tilt, or back-to-back tilt using custom channels that provide earthing and cable management.
James Larratt, CEO of Solpod, says Solpod Mini eliminates the back-breaking work which is the pain of installers, until now. With Solpod Mini, installers no longer need to awkwardly reach the width of the panel to tighten clamps. “Our products set a new best practice in Occupational Health and Safety with installers no longer required to reach over the 1-metre width of a panel to tighten clamps; reducing the risk of back injury. “

Larratt says: “Installers will appreciate not having to do the back breaking work of leaning and over-reaching when installing solar panels.”
“Removing this action also reduces a major source of panel damage, which can occur when installers lean on panels and create microcracks that degrade performance over time.”
A drive to enhance our solar industry’s management of safety is a key founding principle of Solpod.
“Improving safe work practices in solar is in the DNA of Solpod, and while that may sound altruistic, it is also good business. The solar industry and our customers are committed to safety,” says Larratt.
Rapid Install Solar Pods
The Solpod Mini Series is Solpod’s second product range, following the innovative Solpod Series. The Solpod Series comprises prefabricated solar ‘pods’ (see Solpod Series) that are quick to install. Each pod consists of 10 solar PV panels. Our re-deployable and rentable Solpods received Most Innovative Solar Solution 2019 at the Solar Cutters Award.
Solpod’s solar pods are prefabricated in a factory in Dandenong, Melbourne. As they are pre-made, Solpods do not need to be assembled on the roof. Solpods are rapidly installed with cranes. This means that labourers are not required to manually lift heaving 25kg panels as per standard solar.
Solpods are prefabricated and fixed to rooftops via cranes, so less labour is required to work at heights during installation. Solpod uses 80% less manual labour on rooftops, compared to standard solar.
A standard solar installation would have labourers drill thousands of holes to fix the panels to the roof sheet. Solpods use a non-penetrative roof mounting solution. As per the Solpod Mini roof mounting solution, Solpods do not require installers to reach over 1 meter to secure the panels to the roof sheet.

To find out more about Solpod’s new solar roof mounting solution or our rapid install solar pods, please contact or call +03 9089 0753.
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